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Infusing health with Nature


Ecopsychology, also known as, nature therapy or green therapy, is the applied practice of the emergent field of ecotherapy, which was founded by Thomas Roszak. Roszak’s concept of ecopsychology has influenced the field of psychotherapy in general and has inspired disciplines like ecopsychology and ecotherapy that help people get back in touch with the natural world, from which our modern lives leave us feeling so disconnected.

“Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are.”

~Gretel Ehrlich

“Nature itself is the best physician”

~ Hippocrates

psychologist red deer, Alberta
psychologist red deer, Alberta


nature and the outdoors

This therapeutic approach utilizes nature and the outdoors as a therapeutic tool. It is founded on the growing body of research that points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. Ecopsychology is essentially informed by systems therapy and provides individuals with an opportunity to explore their relationship with nature—an area that may be overlooked in many traditional forms of psychotherapy.

Ecopsychology emphasizes that humans are not separate from the natural environment and that reclaiming a relationship to the natural world, creates a path towards feeling alive and connected.  Not only does this practice improve our mental health, restoring connection with the earth through our body also activates areas of the brain, the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system. It is an effective approach and practice toward holistic wellbeing.

“Nature is constantly unfolding, And each moment is a miracle”

Take your next session outside with Ecopsychology